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Research and Enterprise

Foster and maintain a culture of collaborative interdisciplinary research that is innovative, impactful, agenda-setting and world-leading

Our Faculty is a world leader in research that addresses the most challenging global educational, social, and policy issues. We aim to initiate, support, and sustain research activities and collaborations that cultivate networks, foster collegiality, and inspire intellectual innovation.
Our strategy to achieve this rests on prioritising, facilitating, and leading a cutting-edge cross- faculty programme of research with the following four inter-disciplinary themes established in 2022:

Four Inter-disciplinary Themes 


Capacity building for the education workforce


Parent and community engagement in education


Equity, ethics and social inclusion


Child/youth mental health and wellbeing 

Over the next three years, we will:
•    establish a working group and develop a business plan, leadership model and funding application for a faculty- level interdisciplinary research centre
•    ensure that new appointments with a substantive research workload allocation (e.g. research assistant professors, postdoctoral fellows) have interdisciplinary experience/ expertise and/or capacity to contribute to faculty-level interdisciplinary teams
•    make use of existing and emergent resources and funding schemes to support research collaborations that foster new talent and build strategic networks with world-leading interdisciplinary scholars and centres

Build research capacity and encourage research practices that lead to increases in high-quality publications and successful externally funded research projects

We will cultivate a collegial research culture that values the intellectual traditions and contributions of academic and teaching staff and postgraduate students, and that prioritises scholarly excellence and contributions to new knowledge as the principal drivers of quality.

Over the next three years, we will:

•    provide mentoring, professional learning and leadership opportunities that enhance colleagues’ and research postgraduate students’ ability to meet contemporary demands of research-intensive environments in principled and collaborative ways

•    appoint postdoctoral fellows, research postgraduate students and early career academics who are integral to energising research and research culture across the Faculty and provide mentoring and collegial support to contribute positively to their work and student experience
•    establish peer review partnerships between academic departments as a means of evaluating the quality of research outputs using RAE criteria

Enhance enterprise, impact, and knowledge transfer activities in Hong Kong and beyond

We will encourage, support and promote strategic research initiatives with clear pathways to real-world impact.
Over the next three years, we will:
•    build and promote our profile as a leading contributor of research-led solutions to global issues and debates
•    host events and activities designed to build our presence and brand-recognition locally, regionally and internationally
•    develop collaborations and projects that support enterprise activities by staff and students such as self-financed programmes, commissioned research projects, and commercialisation of research products
•    appoint a media officer to manage online promotion of FEHD research, partnerships and international engagement

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